Ear Candling- An Ancient Therapy

Ear candling is an ancient therapy that has been used traditionally by the Egyptians, Chinese, Indians and Tibetans, Mayans and Native Americans there has been evidence of ear candling that has been documented dating back to 2500 B.C.
Native American cultures have a long history of using ear candling techniques for spiritual and therapeutic benefits. Traditionally the Ear candles were designed of parchment and clay and the practice was used to cleanse the ear canal.
The Native Americans also believed it to be a spiritual practice for clearing the mind and senses. It is further believed that Ear Candling performed on a regular basis will enhance meditation practices by heightening the sensitivity. Ear Candling is becoming more widely recognised among skilled practitioners.
Today’s practitioners have continued the practice much like the Ancients. Ear Wax Candles have improved over the years to meet the ease and comfort of a client as well as the sanitary guidelines of modern day.
Today, ear candle cones are typically made of strips of cotton or linen dipped in beeswax with essential oils. The spiral roll built into the candles during production creates the same effect as the ancient pottery cones - which created a downward spiral flow of the smoke and heated air.
This carries the essential oils to fill smoke into the ear canal. The action is a counter clockwise flow caused by a gentle vacuum action of the cone sealing the opening of the ear canal. The warm herbal smoke softens the debris in the ear canal and the gentle vacuum created brings up the debris.
During this gentle process excess fluid that sits in the ear canal is evaporated. Fluid that is allowed to sit in the ear canal and sinus cavities becomes thick and glue like attracting bacteria and creating nasal and sinus issues.
The treatement helps rest, balance and relax the mind and body as well as improve your overall wellbeing. The smoke, warmth and essential oils that pass into the ear canal can have a calming and soothing effect.
As well as being a great way to relieve tension naturally, practitioners report that candles produce a light suction action (chimney effect) and the movement of the flame creates a vibration of air in the ear candle, generating a massage-like effect on the eardrum. This has said to induce a pleasant feeling of warmth and balance of pressure in the ears, forehead and sinuses.